Multiple scientific studies of whitetail deer have established historical rut activity charts that illustrate one important fact: In any given year, from North Carolina to Kansas to western Canada, 90 percent of all adult does will come into estrous and be bred from approximately November 5 to 20, regardless of moon phase, weather, or other environmental conditions.
It’s been that way for decades and will continue to be that way. So, if you take off work any time from Halloween through Thanksgiving, you’ll be hunting some phase of the rut.
I do believe, however, that some days and weeks are better to hunt than others each year and it’s largely dependent on the moon phases that occur in late October through November. I base this on two things. One, more than 30 years of hunting and observing bucks across North America each fall as they seek, chase, and breed does. Two, I read and analyze all the moon-related deer research I can get my hands on, and continually compare that data to my field notes.
One study of the moon and its effects on whitetail movement was conducted by researchers at North Carolina State University and published in 2010. Researchers tracked GPS-collared deer throughout the four lunar phases of late October and November, and analyzed text messages sent from those collars to determine when the animals moved most—and least.
For the past 8 years I have cross-referenced that study’s findings with my ongoing field notes and theories, and have found some interesting common ground.
Which leads to our predictions on when might be the best days and times for you to hunt rutting bucks this fall.
Click the original Source link to read all the predictions.
Source: How Moon Phases Will Impact Deer Hunting During the Rut this Season | Outdoor Life